Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Three Ways...

I'd stay, I will stay... for as long as it takes, because somethings are worth waiting for.
When you know that you have something good, you don't throw it away, but you do whatever it takes to hold on to those pieces and those memories, people, and places that make you smile.

We don't smile very much anymore.

I don't smile very much.

When I see something that I feel is incredibly beautiful or if I want to hold onto a memory that I feel is worth holding on to up front before anything else there were two images that would pop into my mind.

1. Walking back to my home on Reaney Way in Reaney Park, Pullman there was a recreation of the old archway that stood before you entered the campus. The archway was big enough for a carriage and was full of cobblestone with a flat top. They remade this archway. I loved to walk under it because for some reason it always made me feel like this was where I belonged. It felt like I had entered the archway of learning and that I had finally made it to my first goal, college. Even as a senior I adored carrying a stack of books against my chest with my bag on one shoulder, speed walking down the hill under the archway and into my little cottage. It felt absolutely brilliant and for some reason better than any college party, lecture or experience that I had had throughout the five years of college. Something about it felt so iconic, like this is why I am here to step where others have come before and to learn what I need to become something, someone and to do this not only for myself, but for my family as a whole. It was a sense of pride that I haven't really ever felt before.

Much like other areas in the Pacific Northwest the climate in Pullman varies dramatically. One day it began to pour huge droplets of rain as I rushed down the hill. As I looked above the archway it felt as if time stopped. The droplets were collecting along the side but to look directly up at the archway to see the rain start and stop, something about it was so beautiful. I kept it with me so vividly that it's the first of three images that I recall when I see something beautiful. These images shoot to me in rapid succession.

2. Later on in that week, I don't know why my mind started to store things in such a manner, but the second image came shortly after. An old friend of mine from the pizza parlor I worked at for a short while behind my house... or in front depending on how you looked at it, Pizza Perfection. We had gone to John's Alley for beers and music and he invited us over to his place to smoke a little. I don't remember much of the evening outside of the fact that the house was very close to my ex girlfriend's which made me a bit uncomfortable. As we walked into the basement there was this strange light coming from this door that was a quarter of the way open. All you could see was a vibrant light and a retro chair sitting in the way. The colors sometimes play tricks on me when I recall them. I don't know which is green and which is orange, but they are there. Something about being absolutely calm and completely safe and welcome helped to make the image stick with me.

3. Was a moment of sheer joy when I was at outside of Whidbey Island in a park at Rosario Beach again in the rain. I was looking up at a man with a black hoodie on, climbing through the rocks and trails. I saw his face looking at mine and I knew in that moment how much I loved him and that I would do anything to make him smile like that at me again.

These are my three images of beauty that come to mind. They give me strength and comfort. Today I'm not sure if they give me comfort as much as they give me hope...

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