Tuesday, May 20, 2008


My head begins to pound from the over powering aroma, the smell reminds me of the women you see coming out of a cheap motel, the kind you can still smell after they passed by you five minutes prior

It feels like someone bite my foot I look down and there's a shard sticking out of my flesh and swolen deep into the meaty part of my heel. The blood makes puddles around the tile and small blots onto the nearby white shag carpet.

I don't panic.

I swing open the medicine cabinet and take out the tweezer, you always have to make sure to get it all. I roll up a wade of toilet paper and begin to operate. Biting my lower lip the seemingly smooth glass starts cutting its way outside of my body; as I blot the blood away. It leaves quit a hole which I pour anticeptic in causing an eruption similar to a science experiment.

There's a knock on the door.

I ignore it. I know he's out there but, he can wait. I start to put the supplies away.

Still the knock increases.

I close the medicine cabinet and wash my hands diligently from the blood and cotton. I look up and Brady is standing behind me. I see him for a moment then all I can see is my reflection in the mirror, its one of worry and alarm... I know I want him to go, but I know I can't make him.

I turn around and walk towards him with arms open.

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