Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Diary Begins...

And know that this will be a new chapter... =)

I've decided to start a date diary (fuck you Bridget Jones!) something funny for just me really and since no one else knows that I have this its my way of having a laugh at some of the things that are going on in my life.

A joke that I am starting to write right now is based on expressions given to me by ex boyfriend and perhaps current relations... he doesn't read this nor does he know I have this so I can write whatever I want.

The three most absurd and stupid phrases ever uttered by men I've been in a relationship with.

1. I know it's been only three months, but I really think you should move in.

2. I would have asked anyone to help me move, don't consider yourself special!

3. Are you still on your period? (Yes) Good! Because that means your body is working properly.

As noted previously in other blogs I am keeping the majority of the guys I've been dating at arms length to avoid getting caught up in anything and to avoid... well, getting attached entirely. Its become more of a...

A Conversation with Rachel in the break room today:
"I have about 5 guys right now that I am interested in and going on dates with. I like to put out a really big net and go out with about ten guys or more and then dwindle them down until I have maybe 3 or so and then have fun with that group for awhile and then widdle it down to the guy I want to date," I said.
"Sounds like a good idea, but hard to keep track of all of them," Rachel said.
"I've done it before, its not hard and its not like I'm hooking up with each of them..." I said.

Which brings us to... A Conversation with Paul:
"Just go out there and experience everything you can!" Paul said.
"Oh, I intend to but not in a skanky way," I said.
"No, not in a whore way..." Paul said.
"No, not in a whore way, Paul... you can't call me that now... but if it were college you could and I'd agree with you," I said.

(Insert: typical Paul laugh here...)

I think I have a date with Johnny tomorrow to watch a horror movie and Christian on Friday to watch a classic film at my place. =)


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