Thursday, January 24, 2008


Sometimes you want so much for something, but then you realize sometimes you never really had anything to begin with... and you can't make something out of nothing.

I think Walt Disney might have said that JK.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Below the Sand...

Laying on her stomach always gave her a sense of safety a comfort that just didn't quit make itself known as to its origin. Sprawled out she placed both hands under her chin as her elbows bent out. The couch was soft and felt like suede she kicked off her shoes as she loved to her the plunking sounds as they fell to the floor.

"Now I don't know where to begin...exactly... I just know that things aren't right," the girl said.

"Well first off my name is Mary, like "Merry Christmas," you can call me Mary. Why do you think your mommy and daddy brought you here today, hmmm?" a tall thin woman said as she rocked in her chair, her hair flowed into her chest and brushed over her light tan rimmed glasses.

"I know, its dad, its always dad... its always going to be daddy," she muttered as her eyes welled up.

"What is it about him that makes you feel you need to cry or act out?" Mary asked.

"Oh, lots of stuff... I dunno... my dad doesn't love me. He doesn't know me," she stammered.

"Well, who is the man outside this room waiting with your mom?"

"He's not my dad, not my REAL dad. He's mean to me when she's not around. They're always mean to me...always mean..." she sighed.

"What do you mean sweetie by mean?"

"Well, when she's not home he yells at me and threatens me... he's not the same and he goes into the garage and drinks. He asks me to cuddle with him and then he makes fun of me if I don't."

She motions to the door and we slowly walk out and into another room that is full of shelves of toys and two large kiddie pools full of sand.

"Now hun what I'd like you to do is take these figures and make me a story. Can you do that for me?"

"Any story I want?"

"Let's make it something about mommys and daddys, okay?"


The shelves are full of 80s memorabilia that was once owned by Mary's children. She picks tries to pick up some of the top shelf items, but they are to high up for her.

Okay, Mary... this here is my mommy (pointing at a small female action figurine) and this is my daddy (points to a Ken doll) and this is my other daddy (points to a Donald Duck figurine) and this is me (a small teddy bear).

She puts the Donald Duck figurine outside of the sand box and then throws it across the room.

He's not ever there for mommy and daddy time so he doesn't count does he? Of course he doesn't...

The little girl buries the bear in the sand to hide it from the others.

I don't like my daddy and my mom never believes me either...

Mary slowly walked the girl to the door and back into the conference room. She picked up the girls shoes and instructed her to put them on.

Our time is up sweetheart, but you can come see me again real soon. Until then think of some things you'd like to talk with me about...